3 October 2010

cafe time

I always try and refresh the brand of the gallery, or of my own work, all the time. once a year at least! I opened the gallery up for coffee and snacks for some reasons - 1. I am super bored of just putting on shows 2. the gallery is not open except for events and appointment 3. the gallery isn't exactly developing a self sustainable element not being open ever 4. no one could get in the gallery during the week 5. I need something to do that's structured and something that disciplines me to be in one place working 6. I don't have to pay for coffee and use some other cafe's wifi and waiting for their opening hours 7. I WAS BORED. 8. lonliness. being self employed can be very isolated

think all that is a good enough reason. it's been a good move and more people than ever are realising we even exist! running the gallery this way enables me to grow a potential income for the gallery (without having to rely on arts funding which becomes less and less reliable and is WAY more work than business). also I've got a lot of illustration things to be doing which I can do whilst also manning the gallery and making the odd coffee and sandwich. it feels better and I don't want to run just a white space gallery any more. BORED. this is keeping me out of mischeif and working, so all is good.